Circleville Turkey Trot

Circleville, OH

Be a part of the largest one-day fundraising events in Pickaway County to benefit the hungry. Start your Thanksgiving Day with a fun 5k walk/run through the City of Circleville and be a part of Pickaway County’s largest one-day fundraising event to benefit The Food Pantry Network in Pickaway County. The course will start on Mound Street and run through the streets of historic Circleville. It is a mostly flat course for runners and walkers of all ages.

Your participation will benefit The Food Pantry Network of Pickaway County, an important initiative under the Pickaway County Hunger United Group.  You can join local sponsors and your neighbors in raising funds for a badly needed large centralized warehouse with coordinated systems for food ordering and rendering to local pantries.  

You see, most of the County’s pantries cannot afford the cost of driving back and forth to the Mid-Ohio Food Bank.  A larger, centralized facility, will be more efficient and benefit from economies of scale – benefits that will mean more food for more families.

More about the charity:

Your participation benefits the Pickaway County Hunger United Group’s initiative to create The Food Pantry Network of Pickaway County.   The Food Pantry Network of Pickaway County is an important initiative under the Pickaway County Hunger United Group.  Pantries within this network join forces to increase their intake of food and donations through a centralized system that takes care of the food ordering and rendering for them, giving them more time to provide the much needed services for their patrons.  Our goal is to raise enough funds for a centralized warehouse that all member pantries can utilize to gather a better array of food than is available to them via donations.  

Pickaway County Hunger United Group’s Vision - Ending Hunger in Pickaway County means everyone is able to access fresh and healthy foods without judgement or barriers and that all of our lives are improved and strengthened so we each realize our full potential.

When & Where

Nov 26, 2015


8:30 AM

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Event Schedule

Circleville, OH

St. Philip's Church

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